Myths About Asphalt Sealcoating

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Myths About Asphalt Sealcoating

Asphalt Sealcoating is an important form of protection for your commercial lot, helping to minimize the damage caused by factors such as the weather and everyday usage. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there regarding sealcoating, making some parking lot owners hesitant to take this precautionary measure. If that sounds familiar, this blog is for you! In it, we will review several common myths about asphalt sealcoating and contrast them with the facts, nothing but the facts.

Myth: It is All About Aesthetics

Fact: It is an Important Protectionary Measure

While having an aesthetically pleasing lot is a by-product of sealcoating, it is not the primary reason for taking this step. First and foremost, sealcoating is applied to protect the underlying asphalt from things like extreme temperatures, inclement weather, leaking vehicle fluids, and de-icing salts. It is a simple and cost-effective way to prolong the life of asphalt. If it also benefits the look of your lot, well, that’s just an added bonus!

Myth: It Makes Asphalt Slippery

Fact: It Creates a Slip-Resistant Surface

Not only is this pervasive myth completely false, but it is actually the opposite of the truth. The fact of the matter is that sealcoating is made up of chemical compounds that create a slip-resistant surface. Therefore, drivers and pedestrians are less likely to slip and fall if your lot or walkway has been properly treated. That being said, for the first few days after treatment, caution should be taken as the surface will be slipperier than usual. Once it has had the time to dry, however, there should be no issues with traction.

Myth: Sealcoating is Bad for the Environment

Fact: The Products Used for Sealcoating are Approved by the EPA and OSHA

Sealcoating products contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), naturally occurring chemical compounds that have been the target of some criticism for being eco-unfriendly. The fact of the matter is that neither the Environmental Protection Act nor the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has classified these chemicals as a hazard to either living beings or the environment. These are two regulatory bodies whose business it is to identify potentially harmful products and remove them from circulation. Neither has seen fit to do so with the products used for sealcoating. It is also worth noting that the same chemical compound (PAH) is found in many hygiene and foods products that we regularly consume.

Myth: Sealcoating is Very Expensive

Fact: It is a Cost-Effective Investment

When it comes to cost, everything is relative. Sealcoating, like any service, comes at a price which will depend on things like the company hired to perform the job and the square footage of the area of application. However, since the purpose of sealcoating is to protect asphalt from various forms of damage, it will ultimately save you money that you would have had to spend on costly repairs. Therefore, hiring a reputable sealcoating company that uses top-quality products is, in the long run, a wise investment.

Myth: Sealcoating is Not Durable

Fact: It has Lasting Positive Effects

While nothing lasts forever, sealcoating has proven to have durable and lasting effects. As the sealcoat fills in the macropores of the surface of your lot, it prevents water from penetrating the asphalt underneath. This means that things like rain or snow will not wreak havoc on your lot, creating potholes and other forms of damage as moisture seeps into the foundation. Think of seal coating as a form of frontline protection that may, periodically, need renewal but which defends your asphalt against many insidious enemies.

Myth: Sealcoating is Very Disruptive

Fact: It Can be Done with Little to No Disruption

Some lot owners may be reluctant to hire a sealcoating company because they believe that the work will disrupt business-as-usual. Sealcoating companies are very mindful of this concern and find a variety of ways to do the job with little to no disruption. Some might suggest sectioning off parts of the lot so that traffic can be maintained, though at a slightly reduced level. If this is unacceptable, many companies will do the work outside of business hours. If this is a concern that you have, simply speak to your contractor and he or she will find a viable solution that benefits all parties. 

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